With 20/20 hindsight, this show wouldn't be in my top 10
shows, and probably not even my top twenty. But it was
Quite A Show when it occurred, and, in context, is
certainly one of the best of the pre-1992 shows (my other
faves are 8/21/87, mislabeled as 8/27 on many lists, and
5/28/89.. two three set Ian's Farm shows that are
extremely must-have, imo).
The opening is not quite as standard as it could be.. Trey
just isn't that tight. There aren't any serious
screw-ups, but it simply isn't as clean as it could be.
Nirvana at 1:53, after a brief but pleasant build. The
jam for next thirty seconds is ok... Page is fine, for the
most part, but again, Trey just isn't all that clean in
accompaniment (Mike and Fish are solid). Mike's solo
section around 2:40 is very lazy, and doesn't soar at
all... laid-back and rather uninspired. The jamming
in the pre-charge is just not that grand.. Trey really
isn't playing with much gusto, although his jamming around
the first hit at The Note is quite good (even exceptional,
given the laggardness of his earlier playing in this
version). His off-time climbing chordwork before the
second hit at The Note is fun.. nothing grand.
"Boy" at 5:21, after a great Trey-scream.. Before the
second WUDMTF chorus, there's a tease of I LOVE LUCY from
Trey.. and then again after the next verse.
The tramps jam is groovy, with a Sabbath tease from Page
at the opening (at least I think he teases a Sabbath
song.. not 'war pigs,' though). The tramps jam doesn't
last long at all, and isn't very exciting.
Trey opens the jam segment around 9 mins, and hits on that
I LOVE LUCY theme again. Mike teases Wilson on the bass
again, as he is oft to do during YEM jam segments (these
old ones). Trey's noodling is very passionate, but not
always that melodious, and is even a bit on the dizzy and
somewhat meandering side ... somewhat.. But by 11 mins,
he is on fire and thematically wailing away on a solid
groove. Not much of a climax.. and the jam segment isn't
that long.
Bass and drums at around 12 mins, and well, it starts out
very slow, with Mike just repetitively tooling around low
on his 'doc. He picks things up a bit after thirty
seconds or so, but not by much. Very dull, frankly.
At 12:59, the final WUDMTF segment kicks in, with Fish
still druming, even for the first ten seconds of the vocal
jam or so before he stops.. I think I hear "Rollin rollin
rollin" or something early in the vocal jam, before
someone, I think Trey, vocal-teases part of the 'black
magic woman' jam segment... (no shit). "Don't put no sticks
in your bottom" is heard audibly in here, too... and is
repeated. "Don't put no gerbils in your bottom" is also
quite clear... and closes the version (with some laughter
frmo Trey). Total time 17 mins. I think this is without
question a below-average YEM, although the amusing vocal
jam is above-average imo.. (C/C+ rating)
two cents