This version is one of my personal favorites, but it
is not really deserving of a must-have rating. Some
great additional chord work by Trey in the unusually
powerful lyrics segment (just a little). The
interplay is strong, a little different at times,
than it usually is, in this beginning. Definitely
better than average (more interesting, darker
sounding, intense). Lots of "ch-ch" sounds from
Trey, a great Mike "Tweeeezaaaaaaaah" etc. Very
vibrant and active beginning. The end of the lyrics
segment (Ebeneeeeezer) has a lot of serious Page and
Mike with Trey in background on chords. Great
stuff... No screaming on Ebeneeeezer, just the usual
chaos that quickly gets into jamming mode (not too
much bullshit, as often occurs in this segue into the
jam segment). Hmm. How to describe this jam. Trey
wastes no time leading, and Mike quickly comes in
strong as well. Very dark, genuine intro.. the kind
of funky jam that must be played loud and danced to.
After seven minutes or so of this Tweezer, Trey
breaks out into a beautiful theme, in my opinion,
that just works magnificently given what Mike and
Page are putting in (Fish is just hanging in there).
After this beautiful bit is over, the jam gets
chaotic as it nearly always does nowadays only stays
really strong.. it doesn't fall into little spacey
pieces. Stays tight and isn't lost in some
ambiguity-permeated improvisational fog. The jam
actually gets fiercer during this usually spacey
period. The jam doesn't let up.. keeps driving and
driving. No breaks. Eventually, when the intensity
is tremendous, WONG!! the dying out of the jam
segment came, and HERE MY VERSION CUTS, so I don't
know the actual timing, although I imagine it is just
over 11 minutes. A pleasing length, first of all (no
spacey goofing off). An excellent Tweezer, second of
all. Definitely one of my favorite Tweezers under 15
minutes. I must give this excellent version an 8.0.
Everything worked. Wish I was there! (A)